Lawyer Name: | Hawkins, Dymphna |
Lawyer Type: | Barrister |
Date/s of Admission/s: |
Law Practice: | Clarence Chambers |
Business Address or Former Address: | Level 21 133 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 |
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate: | New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter: | <p>1. Pressure applied to third party funder/relative to pay fees by threatening to cancel prison visit if monies were not paid</p><p>2. Charged for unncessary and unreasonable disbursements and for unnecessary and unreasonable work done</p> |
Finding: | Unsatisfactory Professional Conduct
By: | NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal - Occupational Division Affirmed Council of the New South Wales Bar Association decision |
Date: | 28-Nov-2019 |
Disciplinary Action: | Reprimand Ordered to refund portion of fees
$0.00 |
Proceedings Instituted By: | Lawyer |
Citation: | |