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Lawyer Name:Thorpe, Terrance William
Lawyer Type:Barrister
Date/s of Admission/s: 04-Nov-1983
Law Practice:
Sir Owen Dixon Chambers
Business Address or Former Address:
Level 64 19 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate:New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter:

<p>Ground 1: Breached Rule 62 of the Bar Rules when he failed to inform the defence representatives, or the Court:</p><p>(a) of the fact that a key prosecution witness said at a witness conference, attended by the Respondent on 27/07/2009, words that were omitted from the typed conference notes, including the words "am registered informant"</p><p>(b) of the fact that handwritten notes of the conference existed</p><p>(c) of the fact that the typed version of the conference notes was an edited version of the handwritten notes</p><p>(d) of the fact that the police had informed the DPP that the key prosecution witness was an informer for police</p><p>Ground 2: Breached Rules 66 and 66A of the Barristers' Rules</p><p>Ground 4: Misled or attempted to mislead his opponent</p><p>Ground 5: Misled, or attempted to mislead the Court and/or the jury</p>

Finding:Professional Misconduct
By:NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal - Occupational Division
Date: 24-Nov-2020
Disciplinary Action:
Proceedings Instituted By:Council of the New South Wales Bar Association

<p><a href="; rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Council of the NSW Bar Association v Thorpe [2020] NSWCATOD 133</a></p>