Lawyer Name: | Hart, John Peter |
Lawyer Type: | Barrister |
Date/s of Admission/s: |
Business Address or Former Address: | 7 Tecoma Street Heathcote NSW 2233 |
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate: | New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter: | 1. Failed to promptly or within a reasonable time return to a client money paid in advance where demand was made for its return<BR/>2. Failed to provide a cost disclosure to a client upon receipt of instructions to act on her behalf, contrary to the requirements of Section 309 of the Legal Profession Act 2004<BR/>3. Accepted instructions from a client directly (she being a person who is not a solicitor or a professional acting as such) without making disclosure in accordance with Rule 80 of the NSW Barristers? Rules |
Finding: | Unsatisfactory Professional Conduct
By: | Legal Services Division of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
Date: | 30-Sep-2009 |
Disciplinary Action: | Costs
Impose conditions on Practising Certificate
$5,000.00 |
Proceedings Instituted By: | Council of the New South Wales Bar Association |
Citation: | |