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Appointment of Manager/Receiver

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Lawyer Name:Tees, Alexander Andrew
Lawyer Type:Solicitor
Date/s of Admission/s: 17-May-1991 (NSW)
17-May-1991 (NSW)
Law Practice:
Alexander Tees
Business Address or Former Address:
Level 1 299 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate:New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter:

<p>A manager was appointed to the law practice after the practitioner’s practising certificate was varied from that of a principal of a law practice to an employee of a law practice, and as a result the law practice was not able to operate.&nbsp;The practising certificate was varied for the following reasons:</p><p>(i)&nbsp;&nbsp;section 82(1)(a) – the Solicitor failed to comply with the conditions of his practising certificate;</p><p>(ii) section 82(1)(d) – Council reasonably believed that the solicitor is unable to fulfil the inherent requirements of an Australian legal practitioner as a principal of&nbsp;a law practice due to an ongoing failure over a period of 15 months to comply with a Management System Direction issued by the Legal Services Commissioner, and failure to comply with the conditions of his practising certificate.</p>

By:Council of the Law Society of New South Wales
Date: 08-Dec-2022
Specified Duration:for a period of two years