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Lawyer Name:Lo, Kevin
Lawyer Type:Solicitor
Date/s of Admission/s: 04-Jun-1999
Law Practice:
Kevin Lo & Co Solicitors
Business Address or Former Address:
32A Hercules Street Ashfield NSW 2131
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate:New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter:

1. Falsely declared information concerning trust money<BR/>2. Failed to comply with Sections 253,254,255, 256 and 260 of the Legal Profession Act 2004 - dealing with trust accounts and trust money<BR/>3. Misled trust account inspector<BR/>4. Withdrew money for costs and disbursement without complying with the LPA 2004<BR/>5. Misled incoming mortgagee solicitors by failing to disclose the true position<BR/>6. Misled incoming mortgagee solicitors by not correcting contents of a letter<BR/>7. Breached undertaking to an opposing solicitor<BR/>8. Unethical conduct in attempting to settle the sale of a property by using a discharge document, he was on notice that it was a forgery

Finding:Professional Misconduct
By:Legal Services Division of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
Date: 08-Aug-2012
Disciplinary Action:
Removal of practitioner's name from the Roll of Local Lawyers
Proceedings Instituted By:Council of the Law Society of New South Wales

[<a href=";&gt;Law Society of NSW v Lo [2012] NSWADT 21</a>] (Finding)<BR/>[<a href=";&gt;Council of the Law Society of NSW v Lo (No 2) [2012] NSWADT 159</a>] (Disciplinary Action)