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Register of Disciplinary Action

Lawyer Name:Martin, Peter James
Lawyer Type:Solicitor
Date/s of Admission/s: 10-Oct-1997 (NSW)
10-Oct-1997 (NSW)
Law Practice:
Matthews Williams
Business Address or Former Address:
5 Court Street Parkes NSW 2870
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate:New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter:

Alteration of advice prepared by Counsel and forwarding of the altered advice to solicitors

Finding:Professional Misconduct
By:Legal Services Division of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal
Date: 13-Feb-2012
Disciplinary Action:
Practitioner to undertake and complete further legal education
Proceedings Instituted By:Council of the Law Society of New South Wales

[<a href=";&gt;Council of the Law Society of NSW v Martin [2012] NSWADT 22</a>]