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Register of Disciplinary Action

Lawyer Name:La Delfa, Salvatore
Lawyer Type:Solicitor
Date/s of Admission/s: 25-Aug-2000
Law Practice:
Samuel Jones Legal Services
Business Address or Former Address:
Level 1 Suite 1 116 Cnr Queen & Browne Streets Campbelltown NSW 2560
Place of Issue of Practising Certificate:New South Wales
Substance of Conduct Matter:

Disclosure of taxation offence. On 1 October 2005 the Practising Certificate issued to Salvatore La Delfa for the year ending 30 June 2006 was automatically suspended in accordance with the provisions of Section 38 FH of the Legal Profession Act 1987. A manager for the law practice known as Samuel Jones Legal Services and conducted by Mr Salvatore La Delfa was appointed on 4 October 2005.

By:Council of the Law Society of New South Wales
Date: 03-Oct-2005
Disciplinary Action:
Statutory suspension of Practising Certificate
Practising Certificate Reinstated :Yes
Practising Certificate Reinstated Date:09-Nov-2005